Quite a few importers,traders and factories think that China factory can not meet Euro and US.retailers and brands' factory audit requirements at all.If you want to pass, you must cheat auditors. Is it the truth? We don't think so. Recently,almost all EURO and US retailers and brands have established their detailed global sourcing procedures, among which all suppliers and factories should be audited in terms of social compliance,ethical standard,human rights,environment,quality management system, production capbility and capacity,technical, security,etc. These factory audits may be conducted by 3rd party audit companies or internal auditors.Some of them are announced and others are unannounced. We have carefully studied these audit requirements and found most of them are basically similar.But they have their own pass criteria for the same issues and most of them are different from each other. For example,some clients can accept excessive overtime and only require factories to improve gradually while other clients do not tolerate this issue at all and require factories to correct this issue within the given period, otherwises,no order will be placed. In fact,more and more retailers and brands have adjusted their factory audit pass criteria. They have become more and more feasible and reasonable.They always set some internal critical issues,for example,child labor, forced labor,discrimination,legal minimum wage,transparent and so on. If factories violate these zero tolerent issues,they are required to improves immediately or directly disapproved.Other issues are allowed to be improved step by step and no order will be impacted. In our opinios, most of China factories can easily meet these requirements or try their best to meet within a short period. But according to factory audit results,most of factories still fail to meet these requirements. Why does it happen? Most of important,importers,traders and factories do not know the right factory audit pass criteria of different clients.In their opinions,few issues lead to factory audit pass. They always try their best to make factory almost zero issue, which normally leads to audit failure due to inconsistency and transparency identifeid by auditors. Professional traning and consulting can help make factories master detailed audit pass criteria,assess and correct critical issues of different clients and gradually improve other issues as clients required,which will help importers and factories receive orders. |