ICP A60 Seal is Voluntary and not Mandatory for Toy Factories

There has been some misunderstanding about the new A60 ICP Seal, which is awarded to factories that maintain a 60-hour work week for at least 40 weeks per year. This designation was requested by brands and factories to recognize factories that actually achieve a 60 hour work-week, primarily in the Juvenile Products industry, which is less seasonal than the toy industry.

There is absolutely no requirement that toy factories meet this standard now, although some factories may be encouraged to improve their systems to meet this standard in the future. It was developed for those who requested it. That said, it is available to toy factories if they meet the standards and ask for the seal.

Please review the policy on the ICTI CARE Foundation website at: http://www.icti-care.org/process-policies/recognition-to-60-hour-workweek.htm.